Red-tailed Hawk at Inniswoods

I saw a Red-tailed Hawk at Inniswoods! The Red-tailed Hawk was sitting camouflaged in a tree. I initially saw what appeared to be a clump of leaves in a tree. Upon closer inspection, it was a Hawk. The Hawk sat still in the tree while I took photos and remained after I left. The tree seemed to be his comfort spot.

I did not know the name of the Hawk so I submitted a photo to Birding Ohio and it was quickly identified by birders who frequent the site. Next time I see a Red-tailed Hawk based on hints provided by members of Birding Ohio I should be able to recognize the Red-tailed Hawk by the the red tail; large white V on the back; and the speckled cummerbund.

You might see a Red-tailed Hawk in a park as I did or in fields, pastures, grasslands, deserts, or along the roadside. They prefer open spaces so you are not likely to see them at your bird feeders unless you have a very large open space. They often nest in the crowns of trees or on ledges so they can view the landscape below.

Red-tailed Hawks eat mammals such as voles, mice, wood rats, rabbit, ground squirrels and birds, snakes, and carrion. They rarely go after dogs or cats. Their prey usually ranges in size from an ounce to 5 pounds.

For more information about the Red-tailed Hawk check out the following:

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