Today is International Vulture Awareness Day!

The Turkey Vulture is a federally protected migratory bird protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

The Turkey Vulture

A symbol of survival and endurance.

Named because the adult’s red head resembles that of a wild turkey.

Large bird dark brown bird with up to a 6 ft. wingspan who flies with wings slightly raised in a V.

Scavenger who cleans up by eating freshly dead and decaying animals.

Excellent sense of smell and can smell a rotting carcass a mile away.

Social, often seen in large groups and gathering in large roosts at night.

Mates for life and both parents take part in raising their 1 to 3 offsprings until they reach maturity.

Verbal responses are a hissing or grunting sound.

Protect themselves from others by vomiting on them up to 10 feet away.

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