Daylilies After the Rain

Rained yesterday and a bit more rain on the way!  Foggy, moist morning but the hummers are out  and so are the birds.  The bees and butterflies will probably arrive later today.

Today, I will share photos of daylilies after a rain.  My yard is filled with daylilies which usually bloom throughout the summer and into fall.  I expect that this will be a short season because of the very warm winter and the lack of rain early in the spring.  I bought most of my daylilies from Hoot Owl Hollow (, a place of serenity in Athens. They also have an online shop. They are closed for the season locally but you can still make an appointment to visit.

Living in Athens, I am often asked how I keep the deer out of my yard.  Deer are easy.  I wish that I knew how to keep the rabbits, raccoons and skunks away! To keep the deer away I start early in the spring sprinkling Deer Scram throughout the yard.  I supplement with Liquid Fence and Bobbex. At the beginning, I usually put down deer repellant every couple of weeks and then I only use it "as needed".  My  flowerbeds are in bloom all season without deer activity.   A couple of years ago, a Doe left her Fawn in my flowerbed and did not eat one lily. Yes, amazing!

Enjoy the After The Rain Daylily Photos!